What are the next steps after booking with North EPC?
You will receive an order confirmation email once the booking has been made. You can then expect to hear from your local Assessor, usually within 24 hours of the booking, to arrange a suitable assessment time. Please check your spam or junk folder if the email is not received within 24 hours.
Once the Energy Assessor has visited the property, typically, you will have your report within 48 hours of the property being assessed.
Your EPC will then be emailed to you (again, please check your spam folder), and a copy will also be placed on the government’s EPC Register.
How long is the EPC valid after the assessment?
An EPC is valid for ten years after the Assessor lodges your assessment.
When do I pay for your services?
We do not accept payments until the assessment has been completed. All payments must be made to us via Bank Transfer or PayPal.
Once the payment is confirmed, your EPC will be emailed to you (again, please check your spam folder).
A copy will also be placed on the government’s EPC Register.
Why are your services cheaper than an agent?
We simply do not outsource our work to freelancers, so we do not need to
charge a mark-up or inflate our prices. You will find us typically
£15-£45 cheaper than your typical agent charge.
Does everyone need an EPC?
The EPC is required by law when a building is constructed, sold, or put up
for rent. You will also need an EPC if you apply for a feed-in tariff
for solar panels.
I have received my report; why does it say ‘Insulation Assumed’?
When a North EPC Assessor arrives at your property, they will gather the required data and evidence to support their findings.
If the homeowner feels they can produce proof of insulation to the floors, walls, and roof (before the assessment), they should gather all this evidence and provide it to the Assessor on the inspection day. The Assessor will then be able to review your evidence and decide if it is sufficient enough to be used for their assessment.
If, however, no evidence can be provided or if the evidence is insufficient, then the Assessor will need to state in the EPC software’ insulation unknown’. The software will then make assumptions based on the age band of the property and the construction as to whether insulation is present. Next to this assumption, the word ‘assumed’ will appear.
Please Note: This does not mean that your survey is 100% confirming insulation is or isn’t present; it is simply an assumption made by the assessment software.
I found evidence of insulation after an Assessor completed my EPC. Can my EPC be changed?
Unfortunately, an EPC cannot be updated. If sufficient insulation evidence is provided after an EPC assessment has taken place, the old EPC will need to be cancelled and a new one produced. This will incur an additional charge at the current fixed rate of an assessment.